Wednesday, September 24, 2008

My name is Liz, and I can't boil water.

Is there a twelve step program for that?

I'm actually not joking. Once, not long ago, I put a large pot of water on the stove to boil. It took approximately half an hour. My husband made fun of me mercilessly. The burner was on. The water got hot.
It just didn't boil.
This was the beginning of my quest to get better at this housewife-y stuff. I am not a "full-time, 50's housewife" in the truest sense. I work. My husband and I share household duties. He's a great cook. I sew like the wind. We both hate to clean. We are not quite Gen-Xers, I think; we were watching them on MTV when we were in middle school. So our while our home life doesn't exactly resemble a mid-90's episode of The Real World, we're not living the Cleaver lifestyle either.
What I'm striving for is a balanced home, where cooking and cleaning don't fill me with dread, or take over my every waking thought. I do not want a shoes-off, no-food-outside-the-kitchen sort of house. I go...

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